Sunday, 28 June 2015

16-32-64 five

Rain finally - weather to match my mood.

I'm back - unexpectedly - to being 64  this weekend. Grumpy, fatigued, appetite gone and slept fifteen hours last night. Fatigue and sleep are not necessarily linked by the way - it's important to note them separately. So, it's back onto the one-a-day steroids and I'll try again in a month or so. I'm willing to put up with nausea and a little sinus pressure, but not when it effects my mood and my sleep. I want to come back out on top, and trying for two weeks is long enough.

So it's been a hot hot week - can't not (double negative - should) expect it, being the last week in June, but urgh I have not coped well with it and stayed in a much as possible - likely contributing to the antisocial behaviour I'll admit. I've watched a lot of crap (and some less crap, I'll admit) telly and been hitting the Tetris hard.

Waiting for my enthusiasm for the scanning to come back - but mostly I need to start dating some of the few hundred photos that are showing right now as 1900. And that's one for my parents really - so time aside with each of them is what I need next. I'm also hoping to get more photos from mum and my uncle who holds "the suitcase" from my grandmother's place after she passed away - I'm itching to get in there and hope he'll be open to me borrowing it when I see him. Lots of secrets to be uncovered, I hope.

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