Thursday, 23 July 2015

16-32-64 eighteen

I had a fall a couple of mornings ago - one moment I'm sleepily trying to get the cats both indoors in at 7.30 in the morning; the next I've crashed my shoulder into the doorway (cracking plaster - see below), bruising one leg quite epically in two places and landing face-first into the cat tray. No really; face first with extra wee. I don't know if my nose actually touched the litter, but I spent all morning wiping it with wet-ones.
Oh and I was carrying Garlic at the time - so landed on her (the arm that was free doesn't reach out to catch me since surgery), so she limped and darted away from me for the following 24 hours. 

I'd like to say this was a rarity - a one-off occasion - but if you know me at all, you'll know that falling and twisting, crashing and bruising are my specialities. It all starts with Hypermobility.

If you're interested, you can do the reading - I might do a post about how it effects me (and family members - there's a genetic link or predisposition - I don't know which but it's always been clear I have it the worst) but for now you can consider it -in a nutshell- as having very loose joints and a crap sense of balance. And little to no proprioception (awareness of your own body in space - which is why I knock drinks over in the pub regardless of having only had one). It's usually the reason for my falling and is why I've been doing it since I can remember; I wasn't diagnosed until very late in life and consider it my first "long term condition" - in some ways I feel like it helped a little prepare me for the cancer. That's another story too.

So, I've decided to test arnica on the bruising because I've never been really convinced that it works - so I've drawn a line through each bruise and I'm only going to apply cream to one side of each. Ah! the silly games we play. I'm covered in other little bruises to - the chemotherapy I'm on at the moment causes changes in the red cell count as well as white (most only effect your white count which is to do with immune system - red cell is to do with bleeding, clotting, bruising etc) and any time I barely knock myself at the moment, I bloom purple under the skin. The rest are getting all the treatment they want, but I'm interested in how my little experiment will go over the next week.

Anyway, this is all preamble because my niece and I were ruminating through my past and have decided I should blog my most epic fails/falls. I think it even deserves it's own post... hope you enjoy number 19.

Garlic is fine, by the way.

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