Sunday, 26 July 2015

16-32-64 twenty

So, it turns out over been treating bruises incorrectly my entire life. As someone who not only falls easily, but then also bruises easily; is intensely fair and delicate skinned and clumsy, you might have hoped I'd been getting it right all these years.

I had an appointment with a nurse at St Christopher's - our local hospice - on Friday to catch up on my meds and wellbeing. Once you have a diagnosis like mine, they like to be involved in and updated on your care, so I see them once every 6-8 weeks to be cheerfully bullied into using one of their lovely services. They have a gym (which you can have a trainer in or use solo), an array of classes, get-togethers, alternative therapies, massages and other spa-like treatments... Most of the time I say 'give me the info and I'll have a look at home' but this time she got all excited when I showed a little interest in clay sculpture and pottery. Turns out I'll be attending the "crafts and curry" night next Tuesday - can't be all bad, right? They do have their own kiln.

Anyway, the reason for bringing up St Christopher's is because in the way home - pouring with rain - fate decided to take a stab at me for making light of my fall earlier in the week and my 'best of' list. Yep, ankle went out from under me and I went face-first. When I say face-first I mean forehead-first on this occasion - having my head ducked from the rain with both my hood and chemo cap on probably saved this from being a very bloody affair as I actually hit my forehead on the floor. So I'm lying in the rain praying no one has seen (small mercies) and eventually turn myself over - now sitting in a puddle - and get up. I'm drenched on both sides of my trousers and covered in tiny leaves which are sticking to my whole body. What a treat for the bus driver and passengers when I got around the corner - careful to make no eye contact with anyone the rest of the way home. At least I carry wet ones for hot flushes and was able to wipe my sore, grubby hands off a bit!

Back to bruises - I've been under the impression that with a bruise you massage in arnica to promote blood flow, and it helps break down the bruise. All a bruise is, is blood collected under the skin - so I never questioned this logic. I mentioned it to the above nurse who told me Noooooooo, you want to be as gentle as possible with a bruise - a firm massage will further damage capillaries under the skin, lengthening the bruise life span.

In the words of the great Britney Spears, "that is just so typically me".

Anyway, I'm signing off as sixteen today - I apparently can't look after myself even in the most basic of ways and at one I have Afternoon Tea booked at local restaurant Coppers with four of the girls I went to school with. So, lots of reminiscing and giggling ahead.

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